They had us all laughing to the point of crying.

After we left the meeting with Szegedi we boarded the bus again and headed to our last stop of the day.  We went to see the Frankel Synagogue.  The interesting thing about this shul, is that in the 20’s an apartment building was built to surround the shul to protect it.  It can not been seen from the street.  As we entered the locked gate, we then saw the shul.  This shul is a vibrant, neolog shul.  Our tour organizer and her family, Andrea, Tibor and Tommy belong to this shul.  We walked up 3 flights of stairs and were welcomed into the “social hall” of the shul by Tibor handing us Chef hats, and plastic aprons.  Our job for the night was to actually make our dinner.  We divided up into groups and began to prepare the meal.  My job with Glynis was to chop about 25 small onions.  Other jobs were to chop garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and create this yummy crepe dessert.  Alan had the job of making and cooking the yummy spaetzle.  Aviva was lucky enough to pluck the hairs from the chicken.

As we were waiting for the dinner to cook, We all got the wifi code and were able to check in with the world.  At one point, Bashi, Pat, Bob recreated their taxi ride from Romania to the Ukraine.  That taxi ride was one of the most memorable and laughable moments for all of us.  They had us all laughing to the point of crying.

Each taxi had their own funny moments and we all enjoyed listening to everyone’s stories.

We finally made it back to the hotel around 11:30 and passed out. ~ Allison

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